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Elana Mann:问责工具, Pitzer学院美术馆,2018年9月29日至12月8日. 开幕式表演,Sharon Chohi Kim和Micaela Tobin: 开封/ Unseam.


The Student 研究员 of Pitzer学院美术馆 present an exciting and unique opportunity for students who are passionate about diversity, 股本, 以及与当代艺术世界和策展实践的关系. 在画廊工作人员的监督和指导下, 学生研究员将与更大的学生群体接触, to envision and implement student-centered co-curricular programming that reflects the Galleries’ mission and philosophy of addressing significant contemporary and historical issues of 股本, 包容, 通过艺术实现多样性.

Elana Mann:问责工具, Pitzer学院美术馆,2018年9月29日至12月8日. 开幕酒会表演.

2023年秋季- 2024年春季 研究员

Pitzer学院艺术画廊研究员 support meaningful dialogue and peer exchange around the social and cultural impact of contemporary 艺术 and the ideas of our time.

佩奇·贝尔德,26岁 is a Fall 2023-Spring 2024 Fellow and prospective Studio Art Major with a passion for Gender and Feminist Studies. She is interested in exploring how the curatorial process can illuminate intersectional identities. 在纽约富兰克林·帕拉什画廊做暑期实习生, Paige gained valuable experience working closely with 艺术家s and developing an understanding of gallery operations. 在洛杉矶长大, she attended high school in Connecticut and is excited to dive deeper into the work of the Pitzer学院美术馆.

L布洛克,26岁 (she/they) is a Fall 2023 Fellow and a second-year student at Pitzer学院 studying neuroscience with a focus on cellular mechanisms. L在实验室之外把大部分时间花在数学和视觉艺术上. 目前,她正在探索软雕塑,对生物材料和可穿戴艺术感到好奇. L来自马萨诸塞州,只要有可能,她喜欢在户外晒太阳. L对创作的毕生热情, 消费, 对艺术的培养促使他们成为画廊会员, and she is eager to contribute to the relationship between the student body and the 画廊.

汉娜·海肯多恩,25岁 is a Fall 2023-Spring 2024 Fellow and Critical Global Studies major and an Art History minor from Dallas, 德州. 意识到博物馆和西方艺术世界的殖民根源, Hannah is interested in reimagining 艺术 spaces and curatorial practices to make 艺术 more engaging and exciting rather than exclusive and private. She has extensive experience working with kids and is interested in pursuing a career in decolonial 艺术 教育. She is passionate about cultivating connections between different communities and the 艺术 world and strongly believes 艺术, 如果使用得当, 能成为自我表达和社会正义的重要工具吗.

Jonah Ifcher, 24岁, 2001年出生于奥克兰, CA, 是Pitzer学院2023- 2024春季研究员和大四学生, 攻读工作室艺术和环境分析双学位. His passion for 艺术 is rooted in his reliance on visual languages to understand and communicate with others. 在过去的两年里, 他曾在Pitzer担任暗室助教, 他在哪里通过与同学分享他的激情来培养他对图像的热爱. 

ryan Liljernstolpe ' 24 (they/she) is a Fall 2023-Spring 2024 Fellow and majoring in Studio Art and Critical Art Studies, 主修陶瓷和策展研究. 致力于创造艺术空间,促进艺术之间的激进联系, 艺术家, 和观众, they believe that the chief goal of any gallery or museum should be to advocate for creative expression, 访问, 和教育. 作为一名艺术家, Ryann has cultivated a ceramics and fiber 艺术s practice that combines the tactility and 访问ibility of traditional handicrafts with the conceptual and often idiosyncratic characteristics reserved for “fine 艺术.“作为画廊会员和有抱负的策展人, 他们对探索博物馆和公众之间的关系很感兴趣, and how the practice of curating might meaningfully address the needs of 艺术家s and audiences in an ever-changing world.

Arianne Ohara, 25岁 was born and raised in Mexico City and is a Fall 2023-Spring 2024 Fellow and a double-major in Art History and Environmental Analysis. 除了是画廊会员, Arianne is a research assistant for the Cultural Property Dispute Resource at the Claremont Graduate University, 克莱蒙特可持续发展咨询集团的顾问, 也是推荐十大正规网赌网站校园美学委员会的学生参议员. Arianne was a 2022 Getty Marrow Registrations and Permanent Collections Management Intern at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles. 她的兴趣在于艺术策划, 博物馆及画廊作品, 环保运动, 可持续性, 艺术和科学的交叉. She aspires to work in museum management and curatorial affairs and lead creative projects that prioritize culture, 艺术, 环境健康, 积极的改变.

魏逸旭(Wendy) 26岁 is a Fall 2023-Spring 2024 Fellow and works in various 艺术 media and loves thrifting and collecting vintage jewelry. 成功完成IB-DP视觉艺术课程, Wendy organized an exhibition that examined diverse expressions of intercultural identities. 她对艺术的热情延伸到参观艺术博物馆, 画廊, 以及国际背景下的社区. She looks forward to collaborating with Galleries 研究员 and expanding her knowledge about the curation process.

索菲·温斯托克,26岁 来自波士顿, 麻萨诸塞州, 他是2023年秋季至2024年春季的研究员,正在攻读批判艺术研究学位. 与博物馆合作的支持者, she anticipates collaborating with her peers to create a vibrant community surrounding the Pitzer学院美术馆. 除了喜欢她的艺术史研究, she looks forward to deepening her knowledge on how 艺术 objects are understood by other academic disciplines.

Evie Burrows White, 26岁 is a Fall 2023-Spring 2024 Fellow and Critical Art Theory and English major and French minor who is inspired by community 艺术 spaces that foster fun and creativity. 作为格罗夫之家的管理员, she is excited to work with Pitzer学院美术馆 to bring 艺术 programming to more student-loved spaces like the Grove House. 虽然她不知道她的事业将会把她带到哪里, Evie对策展研究和当代艺术理论感兴趣. 在演播室里, she loves exploring painting and ceramic sculpture and making silly c艺术oons of her friends.

杨子熙,26岁 是2023年秋季奖学金获得者,主修媒体研究和艺术. 以她作为独立艺术家的经历为素材, 她积极参加多个艺术书展和展览, 是什么支持了她对策展的兴趣. 摄影是紫溪最喜欢的媒介,无论走到哪里,她总是带着相机. 她相信艺术是一种强大的力量,可以让世界变得更美好.

2022-23 研究员

南希·陈,23岁 是主修社会学,辅修媒体研究吗. 热爱当代艺术, 教育, 和文化, 她对让当代艺术空间变得无障碍感到兴奋. Her extensive studio and curatorial experience includes the CalArts CAPSA summer program and a curatorial internship at the Red Brick Art Museum in Beijing.

Arianne Ohara, 25岁 主修艺术史和环境分析,辅修日语. 借鉴她设计青年赋权平台的经验, 艺术表现, 社会行动主义, 她希望加强与周边社区的联系. She is the founder of a youth 艺术s summer program that created opportunities for students to connect with museums in Mexico City.

谢尔比·奥滕海姆,23岁 人类学专业的重点是道德策展和博物馆收购实践吗. 对建立与不同受众的互动感兴趣, 她计划从事策展工作,重点是博物馆空间的非殖民化. Shelby was a Getty Marrow Undergraduate Intern as the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles.

Crystal Rodriguez 23岁 你的专业是艺术工作室吗. 她的艺术实践立足于让艺术变得触手可及, 特别是对于那些历史上被白人至上主义和厌女症所取代的人. She is the recipient of a Racial Justice Initiative Grant to produce a series of videos on contemporary 艺术家s.

Arlo Van Liew, 23岁 你的专业是艺术和艺术史吗. 致力于通过当代艺术促进参与, 他做过美术指导, 一位西雅图当代艺术家的工作室助理, 也是西雅图艺术博物馆的编程实习生, 他在哪里关注包容性和青年外展.  


2021-22, 2020-21 研究员


埃蒙·莫里斯,22岁 在加州奥兰治市主修媒体研究,辅修人类学.

杰西卡·萨斯,22岁 你的专业是传媒与政治学的结合. She believes the Pitzer学院美术馆 is a hidden gem within the Claremont Colleges and can’t wait to share the space with you once it’s safe! 



2021年2月15日,12:30 - 1:30.m.,太平洋标准时间
