帕托赫伯特, 兜圈子说话 (2021). 镜像丙烯酸.


“College art museums offer analytic observational skills that have applicability to the advancement of almost any liberal arts field”

JR. 斯特隆伯格,《推荐十大正规网赌网站》 As 十字路口,”in 学术博物馆手册:超越展览和教育, eds. 斯蒂芬妮年代. 詹德尔和马克·S. 黄金(波士顿:博物馆等., 2012), 6.

The Pitzer学院美术馆’ mandate is education and advocacy through the Pitzer学院 core values—社会责任, 跨文化理解, 跨学科学习, 学生参与, 环境可持续性. These values are enacted through the Galleries’ exhibitions and programming, 它与教师的合作, and its collaborations with Pitzer’s academic centers in support of 学生参与 across multiple disciplines.


Multidisciplinary approaches to research and t每一个ing can provide opportunities to bridge disciplinary boundaries and to encourage the development of new forms of 知识. 扩大这些努力, 每一个 year the Galleries endeavor to assist one or more faculty members in developing an exhibition linked to pedagogical goals—classes, 课余活动, 以及演讲系列. These faculty-driven exhibitions can function as 权力ful instructional tools by providing alternative lenses through which a subject may be examined. 不管学科重点是什么, this image- and object-based approach can improve critical observational and interpretative skills. 通过鼓励跨学科的实验, these faculty-driven exhibitions can gesture towards new ways of thinking and of transferring 知识. These methodologies can enhance student learning and create meaningful classroom experiences.


每年我们都会为一名教员(或团队)腾出空间, to develop an exhibition to be used in concert with their t每一个ing or other 课余活动. These exhibitions take place on an annual basis during the spring semester and are usually sited in the Hinshaw Gallery, 在格罗夫庄园, 从二月中旬到三月底.

For additional information on submitting a proposal for an Interdisciplinary Faculty-Driven Exhibition, 视图 教师驱动的展览方案.



2023年2月28日- 3月25日

大卫·戈德布拉特 九、历史哲学论文 (2019),十六幅版画,凸版纸,23 1/2 x 15 3/4英寸. 每一个. 匹泽学院收藏,艺术家赠予.

大卫·戈德布拉特:历史的天使 从瓦尔特·本雅明的文章中获得灵感 推荐十大正规网赌网站历史哲学的论文 (1940). The exhibition presents a work of sixteen letterpress on paper prints by Visiting Professor of History 大卫·戈德布拉特 这反映了本雅明论文的第九部分. The sixteen prints were created at The Letterpress Collective in Bristol, England, in 2019.

有关展览会的详细信息,请浏览 大卫·戈德布拉特:历史的天使.



策划的 丹尼尔西格尔, 让米. Pitzer人类学教授和历史学教授

2023年2月14日- 3月25日

Jaider Esbell, 提着一篮子水果的女人 (2013),布面丙烯,匹策学院收藏. 艺术家的礼物.

Artist-Activist Jaider Esbell (1979-2021) was artist-in-resident at Pitzer in 2013.  Esbell was born and raised in the Macuxi community in the northern Amazon, 在现在合法划分的领土上, 印第安地,拉波萨,索尔山.  在推荐十大正规网赌网站实习期结束时,埃斯贝尔捐了钱 提着一篮子水果的女人 (如上图所示),向学院致谢, 学生, 以及他在匹泽的同事们.


一个土生土长的马库西人, 埃斯贝尔成为最杰出的土著艺术家之一, 任何一个历史时期, 在南美洲. 埃斯贝尔于2021年去世, while exhibiting at the 34th Biennial of São Paolo and shortly after several of his works were acquired by The Centre Pompidou, 巴黎. In 2022, a large selection of Esbell’s work was shown at the 59th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale: 梦想的牛奶,由塞西莉亚·阿莱马尼策划. 

在驻地期间,他参与策划了这次展览 亚马逊河上的牛 丹尼尔·西格尔,让米. 学院的匹泽人类学教授和历史学教授. Esbell also co-taught a course on Macuxi myths with Pitzer anthropology professor Lêda Martins, 他们合作制作了, 和他们的学生, 这是一幅展示马库西主要神话的合作艺术品.
阅读贾德尔·埃斯贝尔在《推荐十大正规网赌网站》上的讣告: http://bit.ly/3jv8gLn

丹尼尔西格尔教授对IGLAS表示感谢, 推荐十大正规网赌网站委员会的艾格尼丝·杰克逊基金, and the Stu McConnell Memorial Fund for their generous support in funding this event, 以及Pitzer的海外学习和国际项目办公室, Pitzer的葡萄牙语教师, 胡安妮塔·阿里斯蒂巴尔和乔安娜·格兰德(2022-23富布赖特语言研究员), and the extraordinary Pitzer学院美术馆 team for all their hard work in realizing this exhibition and reception.

有关展览会的详细信息,请浏览 记得贾德尔·埃斯贝尔.





由传媒研究副教授Ruti Talmor策划

2022年1月22日- 4月16日

帕托赫伯特, 挥之不去的 (2020),绢本彩绘档案.

挥之不去的 解决了COVID-19长途运输的问题, 在最初感染后,持续的COVID症状持续存在. The exhibition traces the ongoing process of recovery as a site for healing, 创造力, 和质疑, and the frustrations of seeking care for the varied and extensive symptoms of long-term illness. 

查看完整的展会信息 帕托·赫伯特:徘徊.

教师驱动的展览#1:尤瑟夫皮尔斯的工作, 由副教授Barbara Junisbai策划

皮尔斯受罪, 主席弗雷德, 2021,布面丙烯.

这是尤瑟夫·皮尔斯21年的虚拟画展, 展示“黑色艺术”和“监狱艺术”的作品,” is situated within Pitzer学院’s academic emphasis on social justice issues and 跨文化理解, and serves to significantly enhance the college’s learning goals and educational mission. 美国的大规模监禁现象.S. 今天是争取社会正义运动的主要焦点. 参与所谓的“监狱艺术”经常被忽视, yet crucial means for better understanding the modern carceral experience. An exhibition of “Prison Art” has the unique ability to r每一个 all members of the Pitzer community, including those of us not already involved in the Justice Education Initiative, with a 权力ful message: The people inside California’s prisons have something valuable to contribute. 

One of the main ways for non-white and non-mainstream cultures to find appreciation and acceptance by the larger social consciousness is through the arts. 视觉艺术, 更具体地说, has a way of arresting one’s attention and transcending cultural boundaries. Through the curation of this exhibition of works by one of the college’s 学生, our aim is to fulfill the Pitzer core value of 跨文化理解 in a direct and personal way.

I was introduced to Yusef Pierce’s work in fall 2019, during our first Inside-Out class together. 那特别的一天, 学生们分成小组学习, 同学们互相评议描述“我的大学之旅”的论文草稿.” Yusef’s story revealed a series of experiences that he had in the classroom during his incarceration. The part I most vividly remember is Yusef’s description of his first art lesson, when it soon became apparent to everyone in the class that Yusef had a gift. No one could believe he had never studied art or practiced drawing; it all flowed so easily and naturally from him. 他自己也对自己的创作感到惊讶. 为了加强他的叙述,尤瑟夫带来了他的三部作品来分享. 当画在房间里四处走动时, 每一个 and every one of us who was present that day was yet again reminded of the most 权力ful lesson that we took from our time together: “We are all much more than we are told. 我们都变得更美了.*能看到并陶醉于这一经历是多么荣幸啊, 知识, 权力, 以及我们都为我们的公共空间带来的美丽, 我们多久才能建立时间和信任来欣赏这些?

*爱德华多·加莱亚诺,http://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/jul/23/eduardo-galeano-children-days-inter视图, and cited in Bettina L. 爱, 我们想做的不仅仅是生存 (灯塔出版社2019).

——Barbara Junisbai,组织研究教授

查看完整的展会信息 教师驱动的展览#1:Yusef Pierce.